Friday, August 17, 2012

The Chief Qazi and the ruler of the country are now being cursed by the Aulia and Fuqara!

The Chief Qazi and the ruler of the country are now being cursed by the Aulia and Fuqara! Our duty was only to deliver the message clearly! Alhamdolillah, we did! These 15 minutes are decisive warning to the leaders of this millat. It seems that punishment from Allah is closer to them now. When they make fun of the warnings given to them, then Allah send his azaab on the munafiqeen and munkareen! Today, the entire Muslim world is being demolished and divided but the rulers in Pakistan and those in authority remain intoxicated in power, filth, seductions, zulm and khiyanat, not willing to reform, nor to do tauba nor to stop Khiyanat but continue to humiliate and mock the azaan! Khair inshAllah, so we wait!


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